While attending school, all students must be in uniform daily. Uniforms must be neat and clean. In addition, students should also practice good hygiene.
Solid khaki or navy pants, shorts, jumpers or skorts. Cargo style or those with accent stripes are not allowed. Shorts, jumpers and skorts must be no more than three inches above the knee.
Solid tights or leggings (navy or white) may be worn under a uniform bottom.
White, Navy, or Kelly or Aqua Green polo or long-sleeved, button-down oxford with button collar with BIA logo or plain. No prints, stripes, or other logos.
Optional Layer
Navy, green, white or aqua cardigan sweater, button up sweater, or sweater vest.
Socks and foundations
Students should wear socks (white, navy or tan) without logos or patterns. Appropriate foundational wear to assure modesty and comfort should be worn by all students.
Students should wear non-slip footwear with a heel enclosure that is appropriate for active play and movement. High heels, firm-toed boots, and flip-flops are not allowed.
Outerwear jackets for cold weather should be worn to and from school and at outdoor recess; however, while in the school outerwear must remain in the student cubby or locker.
BIA spirit or uniform shirt with uniform bottoms or jeans.
Where to Buy
Uniforms can be purchased at many local retailers, including Old Navy, Target, and Wal-Mart. Families may choose to purchase uniform items with or without our logo and spirit wear through Educational Outfitters.
Spirit wear may be purchased through Educational Outfitters or the BIA online store facilitated through BSN Sideline. Mr. Christian has created a “how to” video to help you through the ordering process.
This site has been created for ordering spirit wear, which students may wear with regular uniform bottoms on Fridays and outside of school to show off their BIA swag! BIA fleeces and pullovers may be worn at school, but hoodies and true outwear may only be worn outside of the school building. (Students may wear to and from school and on the playground, but store during the school day.). Please see the BIA Uniform Policy (above) in the Parent & Student Handbook or on the website for more details.
Religious Exceptions
BIA offers exceptions for religious attire. If your child needs such accommodations, please notify their teacher.